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| <slide header="none" center="both">
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| = Open World Project =
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| Friday Forum
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| Oct. 19, 2012
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| James Rising, Upmanu Lall, Bruce Shaw, Pierre Gentine
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| </slide>
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| <slide title="Talk Plan">
| |
| * Other Projects of Interest
| |
| * Motivation and Vision
| |
| * Core Elements
| |
| * Case Study Projects
| |
| * Climate Behaviors
| |
| * Fisheries Model
| |
| * Next Steps
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Other Projects of Interest">
| |
| * Carbon Transition Working Group
| |
| * Himalayan Melt and Flooding
| |
| * Peruvian Spatial Fisheries
| |
| * Web-Weaver
| |
| * Slider Extension
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Introduction">
| |
| Many of the human behaviors that drive climate change and
| |
| environmental degradation are deeply embedded in our society,
| |
| economy, and government, and are mutually reinforcing. Better
| |
| modeling of human-natural systems can help in many ways:
| |
| * Analyzing feedback loops can help identify '''leverage points''', where small policy changes can have pervasive impacts.
| |
| * Allowing models at diverse scales and contexts to interact can help scientists '''integrate knowledge'''.
| |
| * Interactive models can facilitate '''communication''' with policymakers and make complex problems intelligible.
| |
| |
| The Open Model is a modeling framework aimed at these issues.
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| </slide>
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| <slide title="Applicability">
| |
| * Systemically intractable due over-determined, reinforcing drives, and spatially heterogeneous.
| |
| * Environmental and public health issues
| |
| * environmental degradation, agricultural practices in poor countries, obesity, substance abuse, groundwater use, and fishery management
| |
| * rebound effects and cross-border shifts (e.g., carbon leakage)
| |
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| <delay>
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| '''Something for everyone!'''
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| </delay>
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| </slide>
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| <slide title="Big Proposals">
| |
| * Fisheries Project
| |
| * Climate Behaviors
| |
| </slide>
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| |
| <slide title="Core Elements">
| |
| * Amalgamated Modeling
| |
| * Multiple Network Maps
| |
| * Networked System Dynamics
| |
| * Computational Tools
| |
| * Integrating Data
| |
| * Open Interface
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Amalgamated Modeling">
| |
| [[File:Blobs.png]]
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| </slide>
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| <slide title="Amalgamated Modeling">
| |
| Coupling causes feedback, and models are defined at different scales.
| |
| |
| Amalgamated modeling allows models to interact, specialize, and "overlap".
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Bayesian Coupling">
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| [[File:Amalgelt.png]]
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| </slide>
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| <slide title="Bayesian Coupling">
| |
| For a variable <math>\theta</math> described by multiple models, each
| |
| model provides both a PDF across values at a given time <math>t</math>
| |
| when run in isolation, <math>p(\theta, \bar{S}^i)</math>, and a
| |
| distribution that includes feedback effects, <math>p(\theta, \tilde{S}^i)</math>. The final distribution is
| |
| <math>
| |
| p(\theta | \cdot) \propto p(\theta) \prod_i p(\theta |
| |
| \bar{S}^i)^\lambda p(\theta, \tilde{S}^i)^{1-\lambda}
| |
| </math>
| |
| </slide>
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| |
| <slide title="Multiple Networks">
| |
| Models use multiple networks simultaneously
| |
| * Different paths on which stocks flow
| |
| * Structured disaggregations into classes
| |
| * Capturing network properties
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Multiple Networks in Ohio">
| |
| [[File:Ohionet.png]]
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Networked System Dynamics">
| |
| [[File:Netstocks.png]]
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Networked System Dynamics">
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| [[File:Ohiomod.png]]
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| </slide>
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| <slide title="Networked System Dynamics">
| |
| Spatial variation matters
| |
| |
| [[File:ssdarch-mod.png]]
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| </slide>
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| <slide title="Self-Similar Networks">
| |
| [[File:Selfsimodel.jpeg]]
| |
| </slide>
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| |
| <slide title="Computational Tools">
| |
| * Evaluate model performance
| |
| * Identify driving feedback loops
| |
| * Identify tipping and leverage points
| |
| * Construct simplified models for communication
| |
| * System Regression: construct models from data
| |
| </slide>
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| |
| <slide title="Open Interface">
| |
| * A '''Website Interface''' would allow researchers to explore
| |
| the model, run tests, and contribute models. For
| |
| policy-makers, the online interface would provide ways to
| |
| interact with the model, see results, and outline scenarios.
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Intelligent Variables: Dimensions">
| |
| * <math>3</math> vs. <math>3 [tonnes]</math> vs. <math>1350487537 [seconds since Jan. 1, 1970]</math>
| |
| * Dimensional analysis at the heart of science
| |
| * Automatic model checking, unit conversion
| |
| </slide>
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| |
| <slide title="Intelligent Variables: Maps">
| |
| "Maps" are dimension-aware functions in space-time, often tied to data streams (e.g., IRI tsvs, geotiffs).
| |
| Maps of different resolutions can be manipulated transparently. Example:
| |
| |
| GeographicMap<double>& degreeDayMelt = (degreeDayFactor + degreeDaySlope * elevation) * (snowCover / 100) * (surfaceTemp - ZERO_CELSIUS) * (surfaceTemp >= ZERO_CELSIUS);
| |
| |
| * elevation is a static map at <math>1 km</math> resolution
| |
| * surfaceTemp is a daily varying map at <math>.25^\circ</math> resolution, read from the file 1 day at a time
| |
| * snowCover is a weekly varying map at <math>.33^\circ</math> resolution, reconstructed for past years
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Intelligent Variables: Relations">
| |
| Variables can represent relationships or differential equations between other variables.
| |
| |
| Example (the heat equations):
| |
| <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
| |
| q = -k * Grad(u);
| |
| Diff(u) = (-1 / c_p * rho) * Div(q);
| |
| </syntaxhighlight>
| |
| |
| The equations themselves are saved within <code>q</code> and <code>Diff(u)</code>, so the model can be run.
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Networked Equations Language">
| |
| Custom '''Modeling Language''' combines a units-aware equation-like syntax with networks and GIS.
| |
| |
| capacity = 1e10 [tons];
| |
| rate = 0.0077 [tons/year];
| |
| biomass = Stock(1e7 [tons]);
| |
| catches = TimeSeries("catches.tsv", [tons/year]);
| |
| biomass += rate * biomass * (1 - biomass / capacity) - catches;
| |
| |
| print(biomass[0:100], "\t");
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Toolbox">
| |
| Transparently combine Matlab, R, shell scripting, Mathematica and other code.
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Integrating Data">
| |
| * Calibration
| |
| * Validation
| |
| * Filling in missing models
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Unified Model of Everything">
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| [[File:Architecture.png]]
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| </slide>
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| <slide title="How Many Variables?">
| |
| {| World3/2000 || 283 |-
| |
| | System Dynamics National Model || 2000+ |-
| |
| | Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential || 56,135 |-
| |
| | environmental feedback loops || 2,675 |}
| |
| </slide>
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| <slide title="Case Study: Networked Economics">
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| [[File:Netmap_ext.png]]
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| </slide>
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| <slide title="Case Study: Hydrological Modeling">
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| [[File:Distrib.png]]
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| </slide>
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