Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| <slide title="System Models">
| |
| * Aggregate System: population, land use, water flows
| |
| * Sentiments: Pro-market vs. pro-environment, inequality, conflict
| |
| * Spatial water flow
| |
| * Spatial population movement
| |
| * Water demand economic model
| |
| * Infrastructure building
| |
| * Diet Model: livestock, wild-caught, nourishment, prices
| |
| * Politicized dynamic optimization of decisions
| |
| * Linear programming for spatial optimization
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Model Connections">
| |
| [[File:Allmods.png|center]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Aggregate System 1">
| |
| [[File:Agg1.png|center]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Aggregate System 1">
| |
| [[File:Politics.png|center]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Aggregate System 1 Calibration">
| |
| * 12.7-37 kg ha-1 per mm = 25: French, R. J., & Schultz, J. E. (1984). Water use efficiency of wheat in a Mediterranean-type environment. I. The relation between yield, water use and climate.
| |
| Crop and Pasture Science, 35(6), 743-764.
| |
| * 1961: 49% agriculture, 1.66% urban = 2.6% urban in 2002 * 183.7e6 pop / 287.6e6 pop (Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2002)
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Core Elements">
| |
| * Amalgamated Modeling
| |
| * Multiple Network Maps
| |
| * Networked System Dynamics
| |
| * Computational Tools
| |
| * Open Interface
| |
| * Smart Variables
| |
| |
| [[File:Elements.png|center]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="District Population Shifts">
| |
| [[File:Districtnetwork2.png|center]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Smart Variables: Dimensions">
| |
| * <math>3</math> vs. <math>3</math> [tonnes] vs. <math>1350487537</math> [seconds since Jan. 1, 1970]
| |
| * Dimensional analysis at the heart of science
| |
| * Automatic model checking, unit conversion
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Smart Variables: Maps" fs="1.5em">
| |
| "Maps" are dimension-aware functions in space-time, often tied to data streams (e.g., IRI tsvs, geotiffs).
| |
| Maps of different resolutions can be manipulated transparently. Example:
| |
| |
| <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
| |
| GeographicMap<double>& degreeDayMelt =
| |
| (degreeDayFactor + degreeDaySlope * elevation)
| |
| * (snowCover / 100) * (surfaceTemp - ZERO_CELSIUS)
| |
| * (surfaceTemp >= ZERO_CELSIUS);
| |
| </syntaxhighlight>
| |
| |
| * elevation is a static map at <math>1 km</math> resolution
| |
| * surfaceTemp is a daily varying map at <math>.25^\circ</math> resolution, read from the file 1 day at a time
| |
| * snowCover is a weekly varying map at <math>.33^\circ</math> resolution, reconstructed for past years
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Case Study: Hydrological Modeling">
| |
| {img src="/images/9/91/Flowcauses.png" width="500" height="333" /}
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Case Study: Hydrological Modeling">
| |
| [[File:Bhakramap.png]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Case Study: Hydrological Modeling">
| |
| [[File:Netmap_ext.png]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Smart Variables: Relations">
| |
| Variables can represent relationships or differential equations between other variables.
| |
| |
| Example (the heat equations):
| |
| <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
| |
| q = -k * Grad(u);
| |
| Diff(u) = (-1 / c_p * rho) * Div(q);
| |
| </syntaxhighlight>
| |
| |
| The equations themselves are saved within <code>q</code> and <code>Diff(u)</code>, so the model can be run.
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Case Study: Networked Economics">
| |
| Step 1: Reconstruct Solow Growth (with some random shocks):
| |
| |
| * <math>\frac{d L}{d t} = \lambda L(t)</math>
| |
| * <math>Y(t) = K(t)^\alpha L(t)^{1-\alpha} \epsilon(t)</math>
| |
| * <math>\frac{d K}{d t} = s Y(t) - \delta K(t)</math>
| |
| |
| {img src="/images/d/db/Solow.png" width="300" height="160" /}
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Case Study: Networked Economics">
| |
| Step 2: Make a "distributed" analog to Solow growth:
| |
| |
| * Multiple firms, with individual capital stocks
| |
| * Separate growth and decay: <math>g[t] = s Y[t]</math>, <math>d[t] = \delta K[t]</math>
| |
| * If <math>g[t] \ge d[t]</math>, growth: <math>K[t+1] = K[t] + g[t]</math>
| |
| * If <math>g[t] < d[t]</math>, stagnation: <math>K[t+1] = K[t]</math>
| |
| ** And probability of collapse, so expected value follows Solow
| |
| ** <math>K[t+1] = K[t] + g[t] - d[t] = (1 - P(c)) K[t] \implies P(c) = (d[t] - g[t]) / K[t]</math>
| |
| * Firms can make connections to each other, which increase "technology" (specialization) factor
| |
| |
| [[File:Smallworld.png]]
| |
| |
| * But when collapse, connections severed, capital goes to 0
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Case Study: Networked Economics">
| |
| [[File:Distrib.png]]
| |
| |
| [[File:Economies.png]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Amalgamated Modeling" fs="1.6em">
| |
| Amalgamated modeling allows models to interact, specialize, and "overlap".
| |
| |
| Every model is incomplete; applies to a constrained context.
| |
| :'''Let's embrace partial models!'''
| |
| Want a "plugin architecture", where models can easily be allowed to interact
| |
| |
| Coupling causes feedback, and models are defined at different scales.
| |
| :'''Need a new way to couple models!'''
| |
| |
| Allow overlapping-- models inform different variables, at different scales.
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Amalgamated Modeling">
| |
| [[File:Blobs.png]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Bayesian Coupling">
| |
| [[File:Amalgelt.png]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Bayesian Coupling">
| |
| For a variable <math>\theta</math> described by multiple models, each
| |
| model provides both a PDF across values at a given time <math>t</math>
| |
| when run in isolation, <math>p(\theta, \bar{S}^i)</math>, and a
| |
| distribution that includes feedback effects, <math>p(\theta, \tilde{S}^i)</math>. The final distribution is
| |
| <math>
| |
| p(\theta | \cdot) \propto p(\theta) \prod_i p(\theta |
| |
| \bar{S}^i)^\lambda p(\theta, \tilde{S}^i)^{1-\lambda}
| |
| </math>
| |
| |
| [[File:Amalgcombo.png|center]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Amalgamation Challenges">
| |
| * How do I test it?
| |
| * Efficient probability function calculations
| |
| * Smooth or spectrally-informed transitions?
| |
| * What does downsampling contribute?
| |
| * How to ensure that different scales add up?
| |
| * How do we understand a multi-scale model?
| |
| |
| [[File:Trialestimate.png|left]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="A New System Dynamics">
| |
| Coupling natural and human systems makes things complex:
| |
| : feedback, non-linearity, resilience, and spacial heterogeneity
| |
| |
| Combine the temporal sophistication of system dynamics,
| |
| : with spatial heterogeneity
| |
| |
| [[File:ssdarch-mod.png]]
| |
| (Ahmad et al 2004; flood management, water resources modeling, invasive species spread)
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Multiple Networks">
| |
| Models use multiple networks simultaneously
| |
| * Different paths on which stocks flow
| |
| * Disaggregations into structured classes
| |
| * Capturing network properties
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Multiple Networks in Ohio">
| |
| [[File:Ohionet.png]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Disaggregating System Models">
| |
| [[File:Popmod-vensim.png|center]]
| |
| |
| [[File:Popmod.png|center]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Networked System Dynamics">
| |
| [[File:Netstocks.png]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Networked System Dynamics">
| |
| [[File:Ohiomod.png]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Self-Similar Networks">
| |
| [[File:Selfsimodel.jpeg|center]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Networking Challenges">
| |
| * Ensure that the separate blocks match the aggregate
| |
| * What is a full language of networked system dynamics?
| |
| * Can a model only apply to part of a network?
| |
| * How to ensure that missing models "fail gracefully"?
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Computational Tools">
| |
| * Evaluate model performance (Barlas 1996)
| |
| * Identify driving feedback loops
| |
| * Identify tipping and leverage points
| |
| * Construct simplified models for communication
| |
| * System Regression: construct models from data
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Integrating Data" fs="2em">
| |
| * Calibration
| |
| * Validation
| |
| * Filling in missing models
| |
| :'''We need a smart (context-aware and incomplete-welcoming) data library!'''
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Networked Equations Language">
| |
| Custom '''Modeling Language''' combines a units-aware equation-like syntax with networks and GIS.
| |
| |
| <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
| |
| capacity = 1e10 [tons];
| |
| rate = 0.0077 [tons/year];
| |
| biomass = Stock(1e7 [tons]);
| |
| catches = TimeSeries("catches.tsv", [tons/year]);
| |
| biomass += rate * biomass *
| |
| (1 - biomass / capacity) - catches;
| |
| |
| print(biomass[0:100], "\t");
| |
| </syntaxhighlight>
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Extensions">
| |
| * Memetic propagation of models
| |
| * Integration with climate models
| |
| * Importing Vensim models
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Model for Climate Behaviors">
| |
| Overdetermined status-quo:
| |
| * Politicians won't make unpopular changes
| |
| * Businesses won't take action alone
| |
| * Consumers have great difficulty without support
| |
| * Carbon leakage
| |
| * Rebound effects
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Model for Climate Behaviors">
| |
| * Climate behaviors as aggregate activity
| |
| * Looking for leverage points
| |
| * Not trying to predict future states
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Model for Climate Behaviors">
| |
| [[File:Architecture.png]]
| |
| |
| (Self-similar Meadows 2004 regionally, Forrester 1971 for urban)
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="How Many Variables?">
| |
| * World3/2000: 283
| |
| * System Dynamics National Model: 2000+
| |
| * Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential: 56,135
| |
| ** environmental feedback loops: 2,675
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Multimanaged Fisheries Project">
| |
| * Collapsing fisheries, despite new management
| |
| * Perverse economic incentives
| |
| * Multiple scales of uncertainty
| |
| * Unintended policy consequences
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Multimanaged Fisheries Project">
| |
| [[File:Food_web_600.jpg]]
| |
| </slide>
| |
| |
| <slide title="Multimanaged Fisheries Project">
| |
| * <math>g_t^i = r^i s_t^i \left(1 - \frac{s_t^i}{K_t^i}\right)</math>
| |
| * <math>K_t^i = \sum_{j \in q(i)} w^{ij} s_t^j</math>
| |
| |
| * Nature: ecosystem and regional models
| |
| * Social: Fishing community, policy-makers, NGOs
| |
| * Plug-in different "fish" and "policy" modules
| |
| * Working with stakeholders
| |
| </slide>
| |