Friday Forum Presentation

From Open World
Revision as of 20:24, 9 October 2012 by Jrising (talk | contribs)

<slide header="none" center="both">

Open World Project

Friday Forum Oct. 19, 2012 </slide>

<slide title="Talk Plan">

  • Other Projects of Interest
  • Motivation and Vision
  • Core Elements
  • Case Study Projects
  • Unified Model of Everything
  • Next Steps


<slide title="Other Projects of Interest">

  • Carbon Transition Working Group
  • Himalayan Melt and Flooding
  • Peruvian Spatial Fisheries
  • Web-Weaver
  • Slider Extension


<slide title="Introduction"> Many of the human behaviors that drive climate change and environmental degradation are deeply embedded in our society, economy, and government, and are mutually reinforcing. Better modeling of human-natural systems can help in many ways:

  • Analyzing feedback loops can help identify leverage points, where small policy changes can have pervasive


  • Allowing models at diverse scales and contexts to

interact can help scientists integrate knowledge.

  • Interactive models can facilitate communication

with policymakers and make complex problems intelligible.

The Open Model is a modeling framework aimed at these issues. </slide>

<slide title="Applicability">

  • Systemically intractable due over-determined, reinforcing drives, and spatially heterogeneous.
  • Environmental and public health issues
  • environmental degradation, agricultural practices in poor countries, obesity, substance abuse, groundwater use, and fishery management
  • rebound effects and cross-border shifts (e.g., carbon leakage)


<slide title="Big Proposals">

  • Fisheries Project
  • Climate Behaviors


<slide title="Amalgamated Modeling"> </slide>

<slide title="Amalgamated Modeling"> Coupling causes feedback, and models are defined at different scales.

Amalgamated modeling allows models to interact, specialize, and "overlap". </slide>

<slide title="Bayesian Coupling"> </slide>

<slide title="Bayesian Coupling">

       For a variable <latex>\theta</latex> described by multiple models, each
       model provides both a PDF across values at a given time <latex>t</latex>
       when run in isolation, <latex>p(\theta, \bar{S}^i)</latex>, and a
       distribution that includes feedback effects, <latex>p(\theta,
       \tilde{S}^i)</latex>.  The final distribution is
       p(\theta | \cdot) \propto p(\theta) \prod_i p(\theta |
         \bar{S}^i)^\lambda p(\theta, \tilde{S}^i)^{1-\lambda}


<slide title="Multiple Networks"> Models use multiple networks simultaneously

  • Different paths on which stocks flow
  • Structured disaggregations into classes
  • Capturing network properties


<slide title="Multiple Networks in Ohio"> </slide>

<slide title="Networked System Dynamics"> </slide>

<slide title="Networked System Dynamics"> </slide>