Key Research Questions

From Open World

Below are some key questions that we might aim to explore.

Understanding the relationship between dynamics at different scales

  • How can models of local and global systems mutually inform each other?
  • How can systems be coupled without distorting their dynamics (and without recalibrating)?
  • How can the dynamics of two models which both different trajectories of the same variable both be respected? Overlapping Systems Approaches

Endogenous Statistics

  • What statistical tools can provide unbiased estimates of endogenously determined features?
  • Can the interconnections within a system be inferred from data? System Regression
  • How can a model usefully associate time-series data with system components (e.g., to improve dynamics or identify problems)?

New Complex System Definitions

  • How can a scale-free model be simulated?
  • How can we define a multi-level network, a multi-network system, and a multi-system component? New Language of Systems

Computational Tools

  • How can a computational tool identify driving loops and leverage points, and communicate the results?
  • How can one visualize the dynamics of a coupled and spatially heterogeneous system?
  • How can stakeholder involvement and knowledge systems be built into system use and development?

Fisheries Questions

  • How to build a framework that allows the plugging in of different species and policies?
  • Can complex systems provide better predictions of populations, ecosystem services, tipping points, and needs under different regimes?
  • How can fisher interests and global institutional influences be represented and modeled?
  • How can managing of the commons be made easier, and made to grow naturally?